Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy care

During pregnancy, a woman’s centre of gravity shifts forward to the front of her pelvis. This additional weight in front causes stress to the joints of the pelvis and low back. As the baby grows in size, the added weight causes the curvature of her lower back to increase, placing extra stress on the fragile joints on the back side of the spine. Any pre-existing problems in a woman’s spine tend to be exacerbated as the spine and pelvis become overworked, often leading to pain and difficulty performing normal daily activities.

Studies have found that about half of all expectant mothers develop low-back pain at some point during their pregnancies. This is especially true during the third trimester when the baby’s body gains the most weight.


Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can relieve and even prevent the pain and discomfort frequently experienced in pregnancy, and creates an environment for an easier, safer delivery. It is one safe and effective way to help the spine and pelvis cope with the rapid increase in physical stress by restoring a state of balance. In fact, most women have found that chiropractic care helped them avoid the use of pain medications during their pregnancy, and studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments help to reduce time in labour.


Headaches affect just about everyone at some point and they can present themselves in many different ways.

Some people only experience pain in one part of their head or behind their eyes, some people experience a pounding sensation inside their whole head, and some people even experience nausea, while others do not. The pain itself may be dull or sharp and may last for anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. Fortunately, very few headaches have serious underlying causes, but those that do require urgent medical attention.

Although headaches can be due to a wide variety of causes, such as drug reactions, temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), tightness in the neck muscles, low blood sugar, high blood pressure, stress and fatigue, the majority of recurrent headaches are of two types: tension headaches (also called cervicogenic headaches) and migraine headaches. There is a third, less common, type of headaches called a cluster headache.

Tension Headaches

Tension type headaches are the most common, affecting about of 75% of all headache sufferers. Most people describe a tension headache as a constant dull, achy feeling either on one side or both sides of the head, often described as a feeling of a tight band or dull ache around the head or behind the eyes. These headaches usually begin slowly and gradually and can last for minutes or days, and tend to begin in the middle or toward the end of the day. Tension headaches are often the result of stress or bad posture, which stresses the spine and muscles in the upper back and neck.

Tension headaches, or stress headaches, can last from 30 minutes to several days. In some cases, chronic tension headaches may persist for many months. Although the pain can at times be severe, tension headaches are usually not associated with other symptoms, such as nausea, throbbing or vomiting.

The most common cause of tension headaches is subluxations in the upper back and neck, usually in combination with active trigger points. When the cervical vertebrae lose their normal motion or position, a small muscle called the rectus capitis posterior minor (RCPM) muscle goes into spasm. The problem is that this small muscle has a tendon which slips between the upper neck and the base of the skull and attaches to a thin pain-sensitive tissue called the dura mater that covers the brain. Although the brain itself has no feeling, the dura mater is very pain-sensitive. Consequently, when the RCPM muscle goes into spasm and its tendon tugs at the dura mater, a headache occurs. People who hold desk jobs will tend to suffer from headaches for this reason.

Another cause of tension type headaches comes from referred pain from trigger points in the Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) or levator muscle on the side of the neck. These are much more common in people who suffer a whiplash injury due to the muscle damage in the neck region.

Migraine Headaches

Each year, millions of people in the Australia experience migraine headaches, and about 75% are women. Migraines are intense and throbbing headaches that are often associated with nausea and sensitivity to light or noise. They can last from as little as a few hours to as long as a few days. Many of those who suffer from migraines experience visual symptoms called an “aura” just prior to an attack that is often described as seeing flashing lights or that everything takes on a dream-like appearance.

Migraine sufferers usually have their first attack before age 30 (although can occur in the teens), and they tend to run in families, supporting the notion that there is a genetic component to them. Some people have attacks several times a month; others have less than one a year. Most people find that migraine attacks occur less frequently and become less severe as they get older.

Migraine headaches are caused by a constriction of the blood vessels in the brain, followed by a dilation of blood vessels. During the constriction of the blood vessels there is a decrease in blood flow, which is what leads to the visual symptoms that many people experience. Even in people who don’t experience the classic migraine aura, most of them can tell that an attack is immanent. Once the blood vessels dilate, there is a rapid increase in blood pressure inside the head. It is this increased pressure that leads to the pounding headache. Each time the heart beats it sends another shock wave through the carotid arteries in the neck up into the brain.

There are many theories about why the blood vessels constrict in the first place, but no one knows for sure. What we do know is that there are a number of things that can trigger migraines, such as lack of sleep, stress, flickering lights, strong odours, changing weather patterns and several foods; especially foods that are high in an amino acid called ‘tyramine’. You can reduce the likelihood of migraine headaches by making some lifestyle changes.

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are typically very short in duration, excruciating headaches, usually felt on one side of the head behind the eyes. Cluster headaches affect about 1 million people in the United States and, unlike migraines, are much more common in men. This is the only type of headache that tends to occur at night. The reason that they are called ‘cluster’ headaches is that they tend to occur one to four times per day over a period of several days. After one cluster of headaches is over, it may be months or even years, before they occur again. Like migraines, cluster headaches are likely to be related to a dilation of the blood vessels in the brain, causing a localized increase in pressure.

Chiropractic treatment for Headaches

Each individual’s case is different and requires a thorough evaluation before a proper course of chiropractic care can be determined. However, in most cases of tension headaches, significant improvement is accomplished through adjustments of the cervical (neck) vertebrae, along with adjustments to the upper spine. This is also helpful in most cases of migraine headaches, as long as food and lifestyle triggers are avoided as well.

Numerous research studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments are very effective for treating tension headaches, especially headaches that originate in the neck.

A report released in 2001 by researchers at the Duke University Evidence-Based Practice Centre in Durham, NC, found that “spinal manipulation resulted in almost immediate improvement for those headaches that originate in the neck, and had significantly fewer side effects and longer-lasting relief of tension-type headache than commonly prescribed medications.”

These findings support an earlier study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics that found spinal manipulative therapy to be very effective for treating tension headaches. This study also found that those who stopped chiropractic treatment after four weeks continued to experience a sustained benefit in contrast to those patients who received pain medication.

Neck Pain

Neck pain is a very common complaint – amongst both men and women, from the young to the older, active to sedentary. Quite often the cause of neck pain can be so obscure, people don’t realise which activities they are doing may in fact be exacerbating their problem. At Better Health Chiropractic we focus not only on reducing your pain, but also identifying any factors in your lifestyle that may be aggravating your symptoms.


Neck Pain Symptoms

Neck Pain can arise from many different causes but the symptoms can be easily described as a pain in the neck. The pain can be sharp, dull, or throbbing; it may also cause tightness in the joints and muscles. Occasionally people may report pain travelling into their shoulders and arms, or even upwards to cause a headache.


Neck Pain Diagnosis

Because neck pain can be caused by so many different factors, your chiropractor will perform a full history and evaluation of your symptoms to determine the cause. It may be necessary to take x- rays to fully confirm a diagnosis.


Neck Pain Causes

Of the many causes of neck pain some of the most common are:

Facet joint inflammation

Muscular strain

Cervical Disc Bulge

Degenerative Joint Disease/Arthritis


More serious causes are also possible making it important to discuss this type of pain with your chiropractor.

At Better Health Chiropractic, we have found that a number of lifestyle issues are the deeper cause to these neck related pains. With the high use of laptop computers, tablet PCs and smart phones, we are seeing an increase in the presentation of neck pains in our practice.


Neck Pain Treatments

There are a number of treatments available to neck pain sufferers. These range from mobilisation and adjustments, massage, exercises and stretches. Each has a different goal and effect. We recommend you discuss these with your chiropractor before you commence any treatment so that you may achieve the best short term and long term benefits.

Low Back Pain

For back pain of mechanical origin, research over the past 20 years has consistently shown Chiropractic spinal treatments, without the use of drugs or surgery, to be up to twice as effective as medicine and physiotherapy

85% of people suffer back pain at some stage in their life. Injury may occur from acute trauma such as a car accident or fall. In many instances, it is the result of months or years of accumulated stress from poor posture, work habits, lack of fitness and flexibility, and faulty body mechanics.

A spinal problem is commonly blamed on muscles, however more often it irritates nerves. Therefore, pain, numbness, pins and needles or weakness may be felt anywhere in the body, eg legs. Back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office.

As long as it is healthy and functioning correctly, the low back can withstand tremendous forces without injury. However, if the low back is out of alignment or has weakened supporting muscles, then something as simple as taking a bag of groceries out of the boot of their car, picking something up off the floor, or even simply bending down to pat the cat can cause a low back injury.

Until recently, researchers believed that back pain would heal on its own. We have learned, however, that this is not true. Recent studies showed that when back pain is not treated, it may go away temporarily, but will most likely return. It is important to take low back pain seriously and seek professional Chiropractic care. This is especially true with pain that recurs over and over again.


Treating Low Back Pain With Chiropractic

On visiting Better Health Chiropractic, your Chiropractor will first take a history of your condition. An examination will then be performed to assess your low back pain condition. If Chiropractic treatment is considered appropriate, a course of treatments will be recommended to promote back pain relief. Advice will also be given about ongoing spinal care, exercise, and lifestyle habits to prevent future problems.

Chiropractic treatment for low back pain may include stretching, strengthening or massage of tight muscles, mobilizations, and spinal adjustments to restore normal motion and position of your bones and joints.



Prevention is the key to decreasing the stress on your spine, by having good habits.

Posture: Good balance is the primary objective, with the body relaxed when standing, sitting, lying or walking. When working change positions regularly. Take stretch breaks and ensure that your work area suits your needs.

Exercise: Regular exercise and stretching is essential for flexibility and strength.

Lifting: Use your legs to lift. Keep your back straight with the weight close to your body and have your feet well apart. Do not twist when lifting.

Maintain optimal body weight: Being overweight increases strain on your spine, and changes your centre of gravity, therefore your body working more inefficiently.

Sleeping: Use a good quality and supportive mattress and pillow. Do not sleep on your stomach. Better Health Chiropractic is affiliated with the mattress and pillow manufacturer Back To Sleep and a direct referral can be made if you are in need purchasing a new bed.


Sporting Injuries

Sports Chiropractic is a great way to assist sports people to better performance as well as aiding recovery from injuries. By assisting the body towards better alignment, joints and muscles function at their best.
As Chiropractors, we not only look to provide therapy to assist healing at the site of an injury, but to assess and correct the underlying structural misalignments within the body that resulted in the injury. By doing this, we can achieve a more complete resolution of your injury and avoid reoccurrence.

Tennis/ Golf

Repetitive and prolonged strain on the forearm muscles while playing tennis, golf, or other like activities will lead to Tennis or Golfers Elbow. Ineffective technique along with poor levels of general fitness and conditioning will also contribute.
A scar can develop at the tendon which will cause pain and inflammation each time the muscle is used. At this point the patient complains that s/he cannot even pick up a cup of coffee or open a door without pain.
Adjusting and mobilising the elbow joint will help to restore proper function.
Also, since the full golf swing rotates the spine with a lot of force and little control, almost every serious golfer will suffer from back problems.


Up to 70% of runners develop injuries every year. Most injuries result either from doing something wrong, or because there is a structural imbalance in the body.
Ankle sprains are the most common injuries for athletes. And if not properly treated and rehabilitated, ankle sprains can leave behind weakness and instability in the joint long after the initial swelling disappears.
Acute treatment should start as quickly as possible after the injury has occurred. The objective of the acute treatment is primarily to prevent additional injury and reduce bleeding as much as possible. Effective acute treatment will limit swelling, the formation of scar tissue and the number of complications which can arise.
Sports Chiropractic is a great way to assist sports people to better performance as well as aiding recovery from injuries. Many successful sports stars use chiropractic to not only avoid injuries but achieve better performance. From Tiger Woods to Lleyton Hewitt, from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Michael Jordan, and the St. George rugby league team, sports people around the world are achieving more through chiropractic care.

By assisting the body towards better alignment, joints and muscles function at their best. Chiropractic differs from Physiotherapy as we not only look to provide therapy to assist healing at the site of an injury but to assess and correct the underlying structural misalignments within the body that resulted in the injury. By doing this, we can achieve a more complete resolution of your injury and avoid reoccurrence.